
eShipPlus/Rate Quote

 What You Can Expect:

 Here is How it Works:

  1. Enter all shipping information from a one-page form.
    Access information quickly through our customizable address book. Quickly add frequently shipped commodities through the customizable library, ability to select from a full array of accessorial services.

  2. Instantly View Quotes for standard and over length shipments.
    Instanly view multiple quotes from major national and regional carriers. Instantly view discounted small pack rates from Fedex. Ability to select TSA certified carriers. View transit times for each carrier Requested, spot quotes for volume LTL and truckload.

  3. Request spot quotes for volume LTL and truckload.
    Volume LTL and TL quotes can be easily be secured by clicking "send to specialist". Compare different modal transporation costs in one place. Ability to track all of your quote requests.

  4. Select the option that works best for you.
    Find a carrier from our instant quote and book it quickly online.

  5. Let our team take it from there.
    Our staff calls the carrier on 100% of the shipments to insure they have received the pick up requests. Live support for export and compliance questions. Someone to help you with the claims process should the need arise.

For New Users, click here to find out more on how to access the Demo eShip site.