An Overview
AFTS provides innovative business solutions to streamline small package freight auditing, guaranteed service claims processing, and transit loss and damage claims administration. Small package carriers offer guaranteed services, but make the recovery process “cumbersome and inconvenient”. Our system is designed to automate this recovery process.
Our dynamic system is custom designed to facilitate electronic POD retrieval, if no POD is provided we can start our loss claim process. The carrier refunds up to $100.00 / parcel plus shipping charge for all non-delivered parcels.
We will also provide weekly / monthly reports to help reduce your small package expense. For example; we can generate an Address Correction Report, so you can update your records so you do not continue to receive this $5.00 charge. A Fuel Surcharge Report can help you get a clearer understanding on how fuel is affecting your budget. These are just a few examples on how we can help reduce your freight expenses.
You can expect to save between 2% – 8%. The guaranteed service refunds alone can result in a significant savings. If you spend $1 million dollars, you can expect $20,000.00 / $80,000.00 in savings.
We will be your complete small package solution!

How Does It Work?
On a weekly basis, your electronic carrier invoices are sent to us via email or we will retrieve the data from your carrier.
Our system will audit line by line on the above audit items and check for deliveries being made on time.
As we identify late packages and billing errors, we will submit the claims to the carrier. Your saving will appear on your next shipping invoice as a credit or refund. In some cases a refund check will be mailed to you.
A detailed weekly report / excel file showing all the credits and refunds are sent to you weekly.
Our fee is based on a percentage saved or per shipment processed and paid.
We can analyze your parcel agreements to make sure you are receiving the best pricing possible.